McDonald Walsh is serving clients in the following industries. Please give our office a call on 093-24693 to see how we can help:
Medical professional practice.
- Farming
- Information technology
- Not-for-profit group
- Charities.
- Restaurants
- Import and distribution.
- IFSRA regulated clients
- Media
- Pharmacy
- Property developers and construction
- Hotels
- Leisure and beauty,
- Industrial engineering
- Food processors and distributors
- Manufacturing (food, healthcare and clothing etc).
- Property management companies.
- Healthcare
- Retail
- Lifestyle and arts
- Agri-Food,
- Environmental
- Transport, logistics and distribution
- Childcare and care of the aged
- Schools
- Clubs
- Partnerships
- Solicitors
- Civil engineering
- Plant Hire
- Security
- Catering
- Educational
- Energy & Renewables
- Motor sales and repairs
- Dental practitioners